
Lighting up the tunnErl Pt. 9 – The Gotchaz

March 13, 2009

Over the years I’ve become pretty good at picking up on errors, learning a new paradigm as well as a new language helps to introduce a lot more of these than usual so I’ve put some of the more common errors I have come accross to help others pick up on the errrors that had me baphled from one extent to another.

  • function_clause – generally means that the result was not matched for one reason or another, make sure you are retrieving the result you expected.
  • noproc – either the process is not started or the node cannot communicate with it, first try net_adm:ping(hostname). then check to see if the process is alive erlang:is_process_alive(Pid).
  • undef – Happen when a function in module does not exist, the module is not loaded or not exist at all. Maybe the function name has been misspelt.
  • ‘*.app not found’ – this typically means that the application can not be found or it is not included, check that it is part of you dependancies and that has been started properly.
  • error:{badfun,ok} – EUnit based error missing comma, usually because assert is returned in wrong place.
  • syntax error before: ‘end’ – have added an “,/;’ proceeding the end
  • none:error:internal error in beam_asm – Sinan based error, happens when code is out of sync, best solution is to kill sinserv and run sinan again.

As time goes by I’ll continue to add more, what this space. If anyone has come across a gotcha that i’ve missed drop me a line, i’ll be more than happy to add it to this list.


  1. I’m not sure but I think undef error means that requested function is not defined. It happen that function in module not exist, module is not loaded or not exist at all (if not work in embedded mode and module can be auto-loaded).

    > catch foo:foo() .

    • I make you right, much appreciated.

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